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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Space on White Contest. Please click on link to view

The more views we get the better chance of winning free space to put up the next show!! Calling on my peeps to help us win!

1 comment:

Esther Friedman said...


the video of the theater company I work with. The next project is entitled, THE HEYOKAH PROJECT. This video is our submission to win the Space on White Contest. The prize is free theater space to present this project. PLEASE VIEW and spread the so we can get more views the more views we get the better chance we can win!!! I'm calling on my peeps to help us WIN!!! Have a beautiful day!

Lynx Ensemble Theater proposes a workshop of a new theater piece entitled THE HEYOKAH* PROJECT, by Bill Bowers, at Space on White. Lynx Ensemble Theater is a NYC based non profit theater company using theatre to explore the nature of identity, seeks to serve audiences who are not used to seeing their stories told onstage, challenges artists and audiences to look at themselves beyond their own type, to recognize themselves in characters who at first seem very different, and to empower artists and audiences to discover and become their fullest, freest, most empathetic selves.
Video directed by Mark O'Connell
with: Aileen Barry, Bill Bowers, Christopher Burris, Esther Friedman, Mark O'Connell, Rebecca Stuard, and Stavroula Toska
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