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Thursday, February 21, 2008

2 week count down to the opening of RSO

What's going on? Well, I am working off of Sarah's laptop at the moment which survived 4 to 7 year olds throwing a ball around that hit coffee and spilled all over the laptop! Nightmare waiting for the thing to come back to life. Adam took it apart cleaned it and it finally magically came back to life, yet the keys on the right side don't necessarily work, so I am doing the best I can with what I have. Example, I can't press return so I'm going to have run on sentences in this blog. It is week count down. All the press releases went out and we got our listing on several cool theater sites.,,,,, to name a few. Now we just need to get the media to come and review the show. I was talking to a very professional PR person at a high profile film studio and she said it is still done the old fashion way, you fax or email your press release and then you call to follow up. There is no way of getting around making that phone call. She said don't leave messages on the machine. A newspaper writer will not even listen, it is most likely they will delete. Keep calling until you get someone and then pitch your story. Let them know why their readers would like to know about what you are doing. She told me to not be ashamed of promoting the show. Get the word out there. So that is what I am doing.

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