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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Process of Creating a Solo Show # 3

I'm on a roll tonight, because I was behind in writing my blog. So after seeing my favorite performers in New York City I decided in this lifetime this is what I am going to do. Like I said I don't know how I just know I am. I'm not going to discuss the other back story behind moving to LA. I am going to focus on the journey of creating a solo show. So when I got to LA, I was in survival mode. After leaving the Village Voice in New York, my sister Deborah pitched for me to work at the Los Angeles Jewish Times in California. I worked there for 3 years and at the end was General Manager. Talk about crazy experiences, I'll have to write about them in another project. As I worked I thought to get myself in the theater scene right away. The first place I went to was Working Stage. I met and worked with Frank Megna. He says, I was a smart ass, not focused. My head was always some where else. He was right. All I did was drink coffee and smoke cigarettes and talk about how I wanted to be an actress. I had talent, I just didn't know how to focus in on it and make it work for me. So I got to work with Frank and he asked me to be in a Working Stage Production called Licking Light Bulbs. I played a drugged up girl Friday. Good times. Near the end of the production I was struggling with family drama and relationship drama and struggled with the "show must go on". It was really hard and as soon as the production was over, I disappeared. I was not getting the parts I wanted, I was not even getting called in and I thought to put up my coat and as I was preparing to squash my own dream my Mom passed away.

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